Planned Parenthood's Empty Promises
There's no escaping the headlines. The Center for Medical Progress has now released six chilling videos detailing Planned Parenthood's practice of harvesting tissue and organs from aborted fetuses for scientific research.
The videos show executives blithely discussing how they haggle over the price of organ harvesting; the "going rate" is typically $30 to $100 per specimen.
In the never-ending abortion argument, there's no limit to the number of factions — pro-choice, pro-life, political parties, presidential candidates, bioethicists, legal and religious scholars — clamoring for media attention to trumpet their particular point of view.
But you rarely hear from those at the heart of the debate: the millions of "silent sufferers" for whom abortion has been a traumatic life-changing experience since its legalization in 1973. I'm lending my voice on behalf of the post-abortive community, which, by anyone's calculation, is a large percentage of our society.