Victor Schloss: Reaching Youth Through Hip-Hop Culture

A Southern Baptist denominational church in southeast San Diego, Calif. attracts young adults through urban worship experiences during their services, which has led to its development as a multicultural congregation with the majority of members under the age of 30.
Victor Schloss, known as Pastor Vic, planted The Body Church in 2011 with the purpose to serve the needs of its surrounding diverse community by engaging in relevant outreach efforts. In a city known to be one of the nation's most affluent, Schloss and his leadership team are taking on the task to reach non-believers who make up a part of San Diego's culturally diverse population.
"San Diego, as most large cities is becoming increasingly urban, through elements such as gentrification but it's also evident in the growth of urban radio stations here. The hip hop and urban culture influences and transcends almost every race and ethnicity within our city. Therefore, it is imperative that we incorporate redeemed elements of the hip hop and urban culture into our church so that we can contextualize the gospel and communicate its relevance to the lives of its hearers," said Schloss, to The Christian Post.