'Debt of the Dictators' Documentary Debuts at World Social Forum
The ecumenically-sponsored television documentary on illegitimate debt debuted at the fifth World Social Forum in Porto Alegre on January 30, 2005. The documentary, entitled, ¡°The debt of the dictators¡±, was produced by Norwegian journalist Erling Borgen and was backed by the Lutheran World Federation and the World Council of Churches.
According to the WCC, the documentary will be available in English, Spanish and French.
The documentary launch was made in conjunction with a call to take part in a Global Week of Action on Trade next April. The Week of Action, promoted by the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance, seeks to raise ¡°awareness on the unjust trade agreements, indiscriminate liberalization and privatization that the rich and powerful impose on the poor, violating their rights to food, a decent livelihood, water, health and education.¡± The week has been scheduled for April 10-16, 2005.