
10 Evangelical reactions to Trump's guilty verdict: 'A very sad day'

Leah Klett/The Christian Post
Leah Klett/The Christian Post
5. Shane Claiborne

While most statements coming from the Evangelical community indicated support for Trump or opposition to the charges against him, Evangelical author Shane Claiborne’s reaction to the verdict reflected a different point of view. Claiborne declared in an X post on Friday morning that “No one is beyond redemption, not even Donald Trump.”

“It is true that his life currently embodies the 7 deadly sins, but God’s grace can transform any human being. There is a path to healing and salvation for Trump if he chooses it. Redemption begins with repentance. And repentance begins with confession. And confession begins with truth. I do not rejoice in anyone’s suffering — but I do rejoice in truth and accountability. Because truth sets us free. And sin has consequences.”

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Claiborne vowed that “I will continue to pray for Trump, that he will know the love of Jesus personally and be transformed by that love.”

The pinned post on Claiborne’s X account decries “the heresy of Christian nationalism, the cult of Trump” and expresses support for “ending the war, welcoming immigrants, chopping guns [and] abolishing the death penalty.”

Ryan Foley is a reporter for The Christian Post. He can be reached at:

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