106-year-old woman credits her ‘faith in God’ for long life

A 106-year-old North Carolina woman is crediting her “faith in God” for her longevity.
Ruth Hilliard was born on June 5, 1913, and told ABC news station WTVD that her long life is a testament to her Christian faith.
Hilliard is no longer able to read her Bible because of her vision, but the great-grandmother recites scripture by memory “on a regular basis.”
Her favorite scripture, she said, is Psalms 91:14-16.
"He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation," the scripture reads.
Hilliard believes the verses are God's promise to her and are a testament to why she’s alive today.
The mother of one child, a son, Hilliard spent decades of her life teaching children and is recognized as a teacher and mentor to many. Hilliard “taught kids at school and at church,” WTVD reported. She also has three grandchildren, and a great-grandchild.
Hilliard's birth proceeded "stoplights, Band-Aids, bubble gum, ballpoint pens, microwave ovens and the discovery of penicillin," the news outlet added.
The great-grandmother celebrated her milestone birthday at an assisted living facility near Hampton County, where she lives. Her birthday was also recognized by the North Carolina House of Representatives which sent her a certificate of recognition.