4 Christian Reactions to Trump's Executive Order Ending Family Separation Policy

President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday ending parental separations after around 2,000 children were taken from their parents who entered the country illegally and are being held in Border Patrol detention centers as their claims are being processed.
The decision came in response to a strong national outcry from both liberal and conservative voices, and took place as Congress considers legislation to solidify changes to illegal immigration enforcement as it pertains to family separation.
"We're going to keep families together but we still have to maintain toughness or our country will be overrun by people, by crime, by all of the things that we don't stand for and that we don't want," President Trump said Wednesday.
Trump's executive order was met with much positive reactions from Christian leaders and groups, including those who've been critical of his administration's zero-tolerance policy in an attempt to curb illegal immigration.
Here are four reactions to the issuing of the new executive order. They include prominent evangelicals and a denomination that has denounced the administration's immigration policies.