5 Famous Christian Quotes About Coping With Change

Many have said that the only easy way to deal with change is when you are doing the change yourself. But, the truth is that we are not in control of the change so we find it hard to adjust. The Bible tells us that change is real and necessary.
For salvation we must change our own minds and agree that God's way is better than our own. It is important for us as Christians to realize that God would not bring us into a situation we should not be in. He does things so we build character and become a stronger person.
Many famous Christians have spoke upon this very change that occurs. Below are 5 great quotes when it comes to dealing with change:
"God cannot change for the better, for He is already perfect; and being perfect, He cannot change for the worse." ~ A. W. Pink
"There is need of a great revival of spiritual life, of truly fervent devotion to our Lord Jesus, of entire consecration to His service. It is only in a church in which this spirit of revival has at least begun, that there is any hope of radical change in the relation of the majority of our Christian people to mission work." ~ Andrew Murray
"He who shall introduce into public affairs the principles of primitive Christianity will change the face of the world." ~ Benjamin Franklin
"It is well for us that, amidst all the variableness of life, there is One whom change cannot affect; One whose heart can never alter, and on whose brow mutability can make no furrows." ~ Charles Spurgeon
"Often times God demonstrates His faithfulness in adversity by providing for us what we need to survive. He does not change our painful circumstances. He sustains us through them." ~ Charles Stanley