5 Notable Failed End Times Prophecies
The 'Great Disappointment' – October 22, 1844
Nineteenth century preacher William Miller gained a strong following in his time, with his messages often focusing on the imminent return of Jesus Christ.
Eventually, the Millerist movement that he founded began to claim that the Rapture was going to take place on Oct. 22, 1844. When the date came and went, the failed prophecy became widely known as the "Great Disappointment."
It is estimated that as many as 100,000 Americans awaited the end times at various gatherings on the predicted date, only to see it come and go without spiritual incident. Miller officially renounced "prophecy studies" afterwards, eventually dying five years after his false prophecy.
Others continued to meet despite the failed prediction, leading to the creation of modern religious groups, including the Seventh Day Adventist Church.