5 things every Christian should know about the trans movement
The Dentons document
In December 2019, journalist James Kirkup wrote a piece for The Spectator about a document from Dentons, which claims to be the largest law firm in the world; the Thomson Reuters Foundation; and the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Youth & Student Organisation (sic).
The document, titled "Only adults? Good practices in legal gender recognition for youth," exposed the tactics that gender identity activists use in order to accomplish their policy aims, including how government entities should override parental rights so they no longer have legal control over their children on issues pertaining to gender.
Although both Dentons and the Thomson Reuters Foundation noted that the document does not necessarily reflect their viewpoints, it nevertheless advises that "states should take action against parents who are obstructing the free development of a young trans person’s identity in refusing to give parental authorization when required."
The document also urged trans activist groups to wed themselves to politically popular initiatives, such as marriage equality bills, which provided a "veil of protection," particularly in countries "where marriage equality was strongly supported, but gender identity remained a more difficult issue to win public support for."
"Another technique which has been used to great effect is the limitation of press coverage and exposure," the document adds.
For concerned citizens who wonder why corporate entities are in any way involved in driving the idea of the “transgender child” — a minor who claims by mere say-so to be the opposite sex — into legal structures around the world, it is necessary to observe the language manipulation, follow the money, and note the rise in pediatric gender clinics worldwide, according to investigative journalist Jennifer Bilek, who writes at The11thHourBlog.
“Biological sex seems to be what is deconstructed in the global push to change the definition of female to include male, which deconstructs sex as a meaningful definition,” Bilek wrote in a January 2020 blog post.
“Children who experience body dysphoria about their sex, up until very recently were so rare a phenomenon, no one ever heard of them. Now we have somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 ‘gender’ clinics in the U.S. (the largest serving 1,000 children), treating a condition that is considered at once, disordered enough from the norm to need clinics, drugs, medical oversight and the halting of puberty, but also normal enough to be considered just another way to be human, hence the guidance from Reuters and Dentons.”
In 2007, the United States was home to only one gender clinic, located in Boston, Massachusetts.
“Biological reality is being legally queered, it would appear, to pave the way for more and more complex changes to human biology and children’s bodies are being used as the fodder for this experiment,” she added in a follow-up blog post.
“This experiment is being run by the richest, global corporatists who naturally use the largest and richest legal structures (Dentons and Reuters) to construct their lie.”
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