5 things to know about Apalachee High School shooting suspect Colt Gray

2. Colt Gray came from a broken home
Both of Colt Gray’s parents struggled with personal demons. Marcee Gray was arrested in Georgia on Nov. 6, 2023, and slapped with a number of charges, including possession of methamphetamine, sale, distribution, possession of dangerous drugs, and concealing identity of a vehicle, according to a crime report.
She said she separated from Colin Gray after 14 years of marriage because she had continually suffered domestic violence.
In a statement posted on Facebook in November 2022, Marcee Gray revealed that her husband had suffered significant abuse as a child.
“From my husband’s first memory, all he knew was abuse. Severe physical abuse (I’m talking everything from getting a broken arm at age 8 while he was totally asleep to having a barstool crack his skull open...I still rub my fingers across the scar/gouge on his scalp and think to myself ‘How?! I can’t even comprehend it!’” she wrote. “That is what substance abuse can do.”
She further explained in another post along with a video link to rock band Blink-182’s "Stay Together For The Kids" that she believes God had sent her to him.
“I know it’s hard to understand from the outside looking in. Everyone in my and his family couldn’t understand why I stayed as long as I did. Ultimately it was my own decision… I made a commitment to the Lord and my husband. No one but me understands the pain that my husband lives with every single day,” she said. “Every single person in his life has hurt or betrayed him… And I truly believe that the Lord sent me to him because no one else was strong enough to stay by his side through thick and thin. I’m not about to give up on him now… We are just taking a break.”
At the time of the shooting at Apalachee High School they were still on a break.
Contact: leonardo.blair@christianpost.com Follow Leonardo Blair on Twitter: @leoblair Follow Leonardo Blair on Facebook: LeoBlairChristianPost