6 Key 2018 Midterm Senate Races to Watch

With the 2018 midterms three weeks away, some on the left are hoping for a "blue wave" to regain control of Congress while others are hoping that conservatives will turn up to ensure that both chambers of Congress stay under Republican control with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office.
While some are optimistic about Democrats' chances to retake control of the House, the route to retaking the Senate seems less likely with at least 10 Democrats defending seats in states Trump won in 2016.
"The challenge is undeniable ... it's an uneven playing field," Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez recently told The Washington Post.
Yet, history has not looked kindly on the party of the sitting president during midterm elections. As PolitiFact notes, the president's party has averaged losses of two Senate seats in midterm elections dating back to 1862. The GOP only has a 51-seat majority as it stands right now, with 47 Democrats and two Independents.
With 35 Senate races up for grabs, there is no telling what could happen on Nov. 6 and who will be most energized to vote in a political climate where most voters don't vote in the midterms.
In the following pages are six 2018 senate races that are considered toss-ups or are races in which polling data disfavors the incumbent.