
Fundamentalist influence, opposed Redskins team name: 7 interesting facts about Bishop Budde

5. Supported changing the Washington Redskins team name

The Washington Redskins have existed since 1932 and the third most profitable franchise in the NFL according to Forbes.
The Washington Redskins have existed since 1932 and the third most profitable franchise in the NFL according to Forbes. | (Photo: Keith Allison)

In 2014, Budde weighed in on the years-long debate over whether the National Football League team the Washington Redskins should change their name due to claims that it was racist.

“Just as one cannot live in Washington, D. C., without appreciating how every city block has a history tied to the struggle for freedom and justice for African Americans, one can’t live in Minnesota without realizing that every acre has a story connected to the Native American tribes whose forebears once lived on that land,” she stated at the time.

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“How could the name of Washington’s team not be offensive to those who know that there was once a $200 reward for every ‘redskin’ killed in U. S. territories? Can you imagine our nation tolerating a sports team with the name, once normative in public discourse, which we now never speak because we have finally acknowledged the offense it causes to African Americans?”

The Redskins would eventually change their name to the Commanders.

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