Abigail Hernandez Missing: Mother Speaks Out for First Time, Still Has Hope (VIDEO)

Abigail Hernandez has been missing since October 9, and her mother Zenya is finally speaking out about her daughter. She recently received a letter from Abigail but refused to discuss its contents for fear of copycat letters arriving and throwing off the investigation.
"It was really numbing for the first three weeks, four weeks then I received a letter and it was exhilarating," Zenya told ABC. "I went from constantly thinking what could have happened and going through every scenario in my head non-stop, to thinking OK, now there's hope. We are just praying that some miracle happens."
The letter postmarked October 23 arrived at the family's home on November 6. Authorities analyzed the letter and determined that it was most likely written by the teenager, though they refused to say much more. It's unknown where the letter was postmarked from or what the tone of the letter was.
"A lot of people say I'm living the worst thing that a parent can live through, which is very hard. But I'm relieved every day that we don't have bad news. I'll never stop looking and I'll never lose hope," Zenya said of her daughter.
The community has come together to offer support and local law enforcement is working with the FBI to find Abigail. She was last seen at her school, walking in the direction of her home. Yet when her mother arrived home, she was nowhere to be seen. Police released pictures of Abigail's necklace and purse in the hope of jogging someone's memory about seeing the young girl.
Authorities believe that someone is either keeping Abigail or is simply aiding her, given that she has no source of income or means of providing for herself for so long.
"This is a child. She was 14 when she disappeared and had her 15th birthday a few days later," New Hampshire Assistant Attorney General Jane Young said during a press conference earlier this week.
Watch Zenya talk about her daughter HERE: