'Unplanned' actress Ashley Bratcher shares how doubt can help deepen faith: 'God can handle our questions'

ORLANDO — “Unplanned” actress Ashley Bratcher is assuring Christians struggling with doubt that it’s OK to “challenge God” and seek truth through Scripture, as it’s often in the midst of searching and confusion that God reveals Himself.
“We're not perfect people. Even as Christians, life is not always easy,” the actress told The Christian Post. “We face challenges; we have our own questions of faith. … It takes a lot to be a Christian and say, ‘I'm really struggling with my faith.’ That's not easy for Christians to say. But it's a very real experience. When we are vulnerable enough to say that to other people, that's where God really can step in and mentor through other people, that they can find the words maybe that you can't find yourself, especially within a Christian fellowship and Christian community.”
“I think that God can handle our questions,” she added. “It's OK to challenge God because it forces us to dig deeper. And when we dig deeper, and we look for the answers, the hard answers in Scripture, then it makes us better Christians. It makes us stronger Christians. Sharing our testimony and the hard times are what bring other people to Christ as well.”
Bratcher stars in “Finding Faith,” premiering exclusively on Great American Pure Flix March 29, which highlights the reality that despite the existence of evil and the challenges faced by all, God's goodness remains unchanged.
The actress plays Victoria, a woman who, despite being a faith advice columnist, finds herself questioning her own connection with God. Facing numerous trials in her life, including a failing marriage and the recent loss of her mother, Victoria returns home to find solace and rediscover herself. Throughout the film, she dares to ask tough questions and grapple with God as she seeks to find her faith anew and uncover her true identity.
The film addresses the age-old question: If God is good, why do bad things happen?
“Bad things happen to everyone, to Christians, to non-believers,” Bratcher said. “I think it's important for people to understand that God is still good. No matter what we're facing, God is still good. We live in a fallen world, and sometimes we are the victim of other people's free will. It's important to remember that because we shouldn't let our challenges push us away from God; we really need to draw closer to God so that we can root our identity in what He says about us and what He says about our circumstances and how He is working all things for good for those who are seeking Him.”
A March 2021 study from Barna Research Group found that over half of Christians say they sometimes experience doubts about their religious beliefs. The study found that a staggering 50% of Christians, or those who have some Christian background or experience, say they had gone through a “prolonged” period of doubt at some point in their life.
Bratcher expressed hope that “Finding Faith” points viewers grappling with questions to the One who holds the key to true hope, joy and redemption: “I hope that people will be inspired and encouraged by the movie because there are so many things out there that put out a negative feeling in the world, there are so many things happening that we could really use more hope, we could use more joy, we could use more redemption. I hope that the movie encourages people in that sense,” she said.
Bratcher encouraged those struggling to turn to the Word of God and explore biblical examples of individuals who faced trials but ultimately trusted God's plan.
“When you're feeling beat down, and you're wondering where God is in your life, you're not alone,” she said. “First of all, you're not the first person who's ever had that thought. You're not the first Christian who said, ‘God, I'm doing what I thought you wanted me to do. Where are you? Where's your goodness? Why am I watching other people be rewarded, and not me? Why not me, God?’ He still sees you. And He has a plan that maybe doesn't line up with your timing.”
While waiting for answers, she emphasized the importance of actively preparing one's heart and drawing closer to God.
“Waiting is not a passive act,” she added. “Waiting means ‘to bind together.' That means to prepare your heart and to connect yourself with the Lord so that in your waiting, you are prepared for what He has called you to do next. So be encouraged in your waiting to really just draw close to Him and be prepared for where you're going.”
Bratcher shared her personal journey of becoming intentional with her career after her role in the 2019 film "Unplanned,” where she played pro-life activist Abby Johnson. Since then, she’s used her platform to speak out against abortion and encourage other women to choose life.
“If I'm going to be doing something, it needs to make an impact,” she said. “And if I'm going to have an impact on the world, I want it to be a positive one and one that brings people closer to God.”
As a mother herself, Bratcher said she seeks to encourage mothers who feel called by God to make a difference while navigating the challenges of balancing work and motherhood, assuring them that their seasons of life hold meaning and purpose.
“To any mom who feels like she's not doing something important — beginning with your kids is important,” she said. “And maybe God has you there for the season because your kids need you the most. And then, when it's time to pull you into your career, or whatever field it is that He needs you, then know that you're doing it for His Kingdom and seek to do it fully with intention for His Kingdom, because then no work is done in vain.”
“When you're working for the Lord, your work is not in vain. But be OK with the season that He's put you in, because there is meaning in it no matter what that looks like for every mom.”
"Finding Faith" will premier exclusively on Great American Pure Flix March 29.