Actress Helen Hunt to Star in Inspirational Film 'The Miracle Season'

Academy Award-winning actress Helen Hunt will star as the lead in the upcoming film "The Miracle Season," based on the true story of a high school girls' volleyball team that's struggling to cope with the unexpected death of a teammate.
The film is based on the true story of West High School girls' volleyball team in Iowa City, Iowa, that lost its star player, Caroline "Line" Found, to a tragic moped accident. Before the tragedy, they were on course to fulfill their dream of winning a second record-breaking championship. As depicted in the trailer for "The Miracle Season," the coach (played by Helen Hunt) and the team find a better way to deal with their heartbreak and loss as they continue to play the game they love.
Starring Academy-Award winners Hunt and William Hurt, the inspiring picture focuses on the volleyball team's quest for that second championship. According to Cinemablend, "The team looks to get their spirits back, and a mantra helps them stay the course: 'Live Like Line.' Hunt plays the role of West High School Trojan's coach Kathy Bresnahan, while Hurt plays Ernie Found, the father of the young player who was killed."
This team's story was previously featured on HBO's "Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel." And now the story of Caroline Found and her West High School teammates will be featured on the big screen.
The film's April release date is set for the time of year when volleyball season starts at many schools.
"The Miracle Season" was produced by LD Entertainment, which also produced the faith-based film "Risen," and was directed by Sean McNamara, the creator of "Soul Surfer."
"The Miracle Season" opens on April 13, 2018. For more information, click here.