
Actual Titanic Necklace Stolen; $1,000 Reward Offered

The actual necklace from the Titanic has been stolen, and this time it’s not a plot in a James Cameron movie.

The AP reports that thieves stole the gold plated necklace from an exhibit at Tivoli Garden Theme Park in Copenhagen, Denmark. The necklace was stolen in the wee hours of the morning on Saturday.

Tivoli Gardens Torben spokesperson reports that when the necklace was stolen the alarm never went off.

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“The showcase has not been broken into and the alarm didn't go off... It's pretty embarrassing,” he said.

These actions have led some media organizations to question whether the theft was an inside job.

The piece of jewelry is thought to belong to first class passenger Eleanor Widener, who survived the sinking and was one of the richest passengers on the ship. Value of the necklace is estimated at around $19,200.

Exhibition owner Luis Ferreiro said the necklace insurance value is greater than its actual worth.

“Whoever stole the item would get only a fraction of its worth on the open market - as its historical value was far greater than its value as a necklace, and it was too well known internationally,” he said

Still, the exhibition is offering a reward of $1,000 for information in locating the missing necklace.

This isn’t the first time a story arises about a necklace being stolen from the Titanic. In the box office smash “Titanic,” the story centered on a stolen “Heart of the Ocean” diamond that Actress Kate Winslet donned throughout the film.

Even though that necklace was fake, it was still an expensive piece of jewelry designed by London jewelers Asprey & Garrad.

The exhibit owners hope to have the necklace back in place for the traveling show that also features fine china, furniture and other artifacts from the ship.

The Titanic sunk on April 12, 1912 killing 1500 people. The ill-fated ship will mark its 100th anniversary next year.

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