Alex McFarland to Liberty U. Students: 4 Important Christian Life Lessons

Noted Christian apologist and author Alex McFarland spoke to Liberty University students at a convocation event held at the Lynchburg, Virginia campus on Monday morning.
During his remarks, McFarland gave those attending his speech four important thoughts on living as a Christian in modern America.
McFarland's four thoughts for the students were "view the Great Commission with a sense of personal investment," "follow Jesus even at the risk of being misunderstood," "the limitations of the sheep are overcome by the power of the Shepherd," and that "before the prize there comes a price."
On the issue of viewing evangelism with a personal investment McFarland told the students that "God is going to use you" even if they do not become overseas missionaries.

"View the Great Commission with a sense of having some skin in the game. 'Lord use me.' 'Father cleanse me, fill me, send me, use me,'" said McFarland. "God wants to do things in your life and through your life that will count for eternity."
McFarland explained that being a Christian at the risk of being misunderstood meant that the students should expect some people, even those who sympathize, may not understand their spiritual decisions.
"Sometimes if you really come out bold for Jesus, and you get all about walking with the Lord and serving the Lord, sometimes people are not going to understand, even those very close to you. Sometimes family members," continued McFarland.
"Oftentimes, well-meaning but misguided people close to us will try to get us to compromise. Sometimes Satan will try to get you to compromise morally and you'll do things that you know are sinful. And you need to turn back from that."
An alumnus of Liberty University, McFarland said that he learned about "the limitations of the sheep are overcome by the power of the Shepherd" while a student back when Liberty was a young school struggling financially.
"Back in the day, when I was here, really, one of my pastors that mentored me back in North Carolina he said 'you don't want to go to Liberty. A four-year degree? They're probably not going to be open in four years!'" McFarland noted.
"Well, God knows what He's doing. The limitations of our lives are eclipsed by the unlimited love and power and wisdom of the one who created the Universe and conquered the grave."
McFarland assured the students that God has a plan for them, referencing a verse from the Gospel of Matthew, "the Father knows what you need even before you ask."
Finally, McFarland stressed that there was going to be a lot of hard work involved in their witness, stating that "before the prize, there comes a price."
"Think about it, the world's largest Christian university and respected, accredited, world-renowned, really, but I am telling you there were decades of blood, sweat, and tears that gave us this," said McFarland.
"The Lord has so much for you, but to realize all of those prizes like a degree, a career, building a family, making a mark for Jesus, doing whatever God has put on your heart ... you're going to have to love the process as much as the end result."