Amazing Photos of 9/11 Miracles
Today is the 12th anniversary of September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001, which left nearly 3,000 people dead.
Today many are still mourning and paying respect to the victims of that terrible day.
However, also emerging from the tragedy, were some amazing stories that are also being remembered today, as well as some amazing miracles that are being testified and passed on to a new generations. Here are some of the touching miracles being reported.

1. Genelle Guzman-MacMillan

Gennelle was the last survivor pulled from World Trade Center. She was on the 64th floor of the WTC's north tower, and despite her religious upbringing, she was getting along fine without God in her life, having rejected Him long ago.
But while being trapped for 27 hours in the rubble she found strength to pray and pray until she was finally rescued. Her story became a book called Angel in the Rubble: the Miraculous Rescue of 9/11's Last Survivor.
"I prayed and I prayed and I just beg and beg and asked God for a second chance."
2. Pasquale Buzzeli

Pasquale Buzzeli, a structural engineer with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, claims to have been on the 22nd floor when the building collapsed beneath him, and he was carried down through a blizzard of debris to the seventh floor, where he was later rescued by firefighters.
"In those split seconds I was praying, knowing that I was going to die."
3. John Morabito

John Morabito, a firefighter, recalls that in that mad rush to put on fire protection gear that day, many grabbed the wrong jackets before entering the burning towers. He is among the 9/11 brave veterans who survived the tragedy.
John was there on the front line and witnessed the tragedy unfolding, and amazing survived. He now testifies he believes that God had a bigger plan for him and he wants live his life with renewed purpose.
4. Mickey Kross

Mickey Kross of the New York Fire Department, who was assigned to a firehouse on E. 29th St., was part of a unit on the 24th floor that was suddenly ordered by his commander to immediately get out of the building.
Despite his life being in danger, while evacuating, he stopped to assist an injured woman on the 23rd floor. He and his men worked together to carry her to the fourth floor of Stairwell B when the walls started to shake violently. After the Tower came down he managed to push the rubble off himself and amazingly survived.
Mickey himself does not say God saved him, but accepts it when others say they believe God was looking out for him.

The fire department was able to save about 30,000 people from the tragic events on 9/11, but the disaster still claimed about 2,819 lives. We honor their memories and remember them and all those affected by the tragic events of 9/11.