Amazing: Watch This African Tigerfish Leap From a Lake to Catch a Bird Midair Then Make a Meal of It
This amazing video of what is described as the first scientific observation of a fish launching itself out of the water to catch a bird midair will surprise you.
"There are more than 14,000 freshwater fish species in the world," wrote Nico Smit, director of the unit for environmental sciences and management at North-West University in Potchefstroom, South Africa, in an email reported by National Geographic.
"[But] of those, only about five species are known to prey on birds, so I definitely don't think it is a widespread behavior."
During a 15 day survey in February 2010, Smit and colleagues report seeing African tigerfish, common in the storage lake for the Schroda Dam in South Africa, snatching barn swallows out of the air. They shared their observations in a study published online last month in the Journal of Fish Biology.
Watch what they witnessed in the video below and be amazed.