American Patriotism Hits 18-Year Low Due to Democrats and Liberals, Gallup Finds

The number of United States citizens who consider themselves "extremely proud" to be Americans has hit an 18-year low, according to polling by Gallup.
According to findings released Monday, Gallup reported that 47 percent of Americans considered themselves "extremely proud" of being American.
"This Fourth of July marks a low point in U.S. patriotism. For the first time in Gallup's 18-year history asking U.S. adults how proud they are to be Americans, fewer than a majority say they are 'extremely proud,'" reported Gallup.
Gallup also found that there was a political element to the decline, as there were "sharp declines evident among Democrats and political liberals and no decrease among Republicans and conservatives."
"Left-leaning groups' antipathy toward Donald Trump and their belief that other countries look unfavorably on the president are likely factors in their decline in patriotism, particularly the sharp drops in the past year. But the declines began before Trump was elected," continued Gallup.
The data came from a poll conducted by Gallup from June 1-13 from a random sample of 1,520 adults with a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

Gallup first conducted the survey in 2001, with 55 percent of Americans identifying as "extremely proud." The highest reported number came in 2004 when 70 percent of respondents identified as "extremely proud."
"After the 9/11 terror attacks caused the public to rally around the nation and its leaders, the percentage expressing extreme pride in the country increased to 65%, and went up further to 70% less than two years later," explained Gallup.
"By 2005, about the time George W. Bush was set to begin his second term in office and the U.S. was going on its second year of military involvement in Iraq, the percentage extremely proud to be Americans fell to 61%."
Gallup's report comes at a time of increased political tension in the United States, with the recent announcement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy retiring and the upcoming midterm elections.
In recent weeks, incidents of Trump administration officials being denied service at restaurants and calls for increased confrontation of political opponents have dominated the headlines.
President Trump is expected to announce his nominee to fill the vacancy left by the retiring Justice Kennedy next Monday.