Any Christian Supporting Romney Is a 'Modern Day Judas,' Says Evangelist
Bill Keller Criticizes Evangelicals Backing Mormon for President, Pushes Jesus Christ as Pick
As Mitt Romney's push for the U.S. presidency gained full force Thursday night as he accepted the Republican Party's nomination, one evangelical is reminding voters that the former Massachusetts governor's Mormon faith clashes with orthodox Christianity.

"This election is NOT about politics, but a choice between two son's of Satan, and the fact that this choice is nothing but a furtherance of God's judgment on this nation for our sin," Internet evangelist Bill Keller of told The Christian Post on Friday, condemning both President Barack Obama and GOP candidate Romney.
After the last day of the GOP convention, which featured Romney's speech and a much-talked about appearance by Hollywood icon Clint Eastwood, Keller once again warned Christians about Mitt Romney's Mormon faith, which many say falls outside mainstream Christianity.
Keller described himself as "horrified" that Romney, who he calls a "Mormon cult member," led "mostly biblical Christians at the Republican Convention last night in a prayer to Satan, since Mormons do not pray to the God of the Bible, but to a mythical 'god' they believe who was once a man."
Keller stated in a press release: "Mormons like Romney believe the Bible is a flawed and an incomplete book."
"Those in the Mormon cult use the words 'god' and 'jesus,' yet the 'god' and 'jesus' of the Mormon cult are NOT the God and Jesus of the Bible! Mormons believe their 'god' used to be a human who rose to god-like status, just like Romney, (Glenn) Beck, and all Mormons believe they will too after their death," Keller added.
"The 'jesus' of the Mormon cult is the natural offspring of their 'god' Elohim who had sex with Mary, meaning their jesus is a created being and NOT a deity as the Bible teaches, and is also the brother of Lucifer!"
The Internet evangelist has claimed that electing Romney as president of the United States would lead millions of souls into hell, as it would help expand the Mormon Church.
Still, many evangelical Christian leaders have praised Romney for his stance on traditional conservative principles, such as preserving the definition of marriage as a union between one man and one woman, and speaking up on behalf of the pro-life community.
Mitt Romney's choice for vice president, Paul Ryan, who is a devoted Catholic, said: "Our faiths come together in the same moral creed."
"I care far less about where Mitt Romney takes his family to church than I do about where he takes this country," added former presidential candidate and respected evangelical Christian leader Mike Huckabee.
Ralph Reed, the founder of Faith and Freedom Coalition, a social conservative political advocacy organization, noted: "I'm looking for someone who shares my values, not somebody that necessarily goes to the same church that I do."
Keller, however, disagreed with anyone endorsing Romney in spite of his religion.
"Any Christian that calls Romney anything but what he is, 'a 5th generation high priest of a cult that worships Satan and propagates a false gospel leading souls to hell,' is nothing more than a modern day Judas who has sold out the faith!" the evangelist told CP.
Keller's solution the dilemma facing Christians who do not want to vote for either candidate this election is to symbolically vote for Jesus Christ. His "Vote For Jesus" website currently has over 360,000 pledges from visitors planning to do just that.
"Obviously, Jesus will never get elected, but if we can get a million people writing in the name 'Jesus,' it is not only going to impact the election, it is going to make a statement that Christians aren't going to just take whoever they are offered anymore," Keller previously told CP.