Atheist Group Showing 'God-LESS America' Banners on July 4
An atheist group has funded a $23,000 campaign to fly banners across the skies of America on Fourth of July saying “God-LESS America” and “Atheism is Patriotic.”
The stunt is being organized by the group American Atheists, which plans to see planes fly banners over 27 locations on July 4th.
Flights were originally scheduled to fly over Biloxi, Miss. beaches, the Texas rangers pre-game, a zoo in Toledo, Ohio, the Independence Day parade in Rapid City, S.D., and more.
Another group, the American Humanist Association, has also planned to email 15,000 supporters specially designed “Happy Human” pins, intended to promote that people can be “good” without God.
The group is asking its members to wear the pins on Independence Day.
The AHA executive director, Roy Speckhardt stated in a press release by the group: “We value the principles that our nation was founded on, which includes freedom of – and from – religion.”
He added: “The 4th of July presents ample opportunity for all nontheist Americans to "come out of the closet" and openly identify as such.”