Baby Lisa Irwin Missing: New Information on Mysterious Businessman Paying Family Expenses (VIDEO)
Kansas City Police Doing All They Can as Case Becomes Murkier
According to a spokeswoman from the Kansas City Police Department, its agency was continuing efforts Thursday to find 11-month-old baby Lisa Irwin. It has been four weeks since baby Lisa disappeared and many questions remain — paramount among them: Where is she?

New questions surround the case: Who is the mysterious businessman is who is supplying cash to the beleaguered family? How has the family had the wherewithall to hire well-known New York investigators? Why have the parents of baby Lisa seemingly not been forthcoming with the local Kansas City police and media?
The 11-month-old's parents, Deborah Bradley and Jeremy Irwin, continue to maintain that baby Lisa disappeared without their knowledge in the early morning darkness on Oct. 3.
The Christian Post has published a time-line of events detailing what reportedly transpired the night of the disappearance.
Thursday, the Kansas City Police Department would not provide any further information to The Christian Post on who the "secret source" is or what information was provided to The Star.
Her parents now are denying interviews with local reporters, opting predominently for national interviews. Now many wonder if parents Bradley and Deborah have told police the whole truth.
Another question is how a low-income family affords a famous New York lawyer like Joe Tacopina, or well-known private investigator, Bill Stanton, both paid by an unnamed wealthy benefactor.
Police have not released any information since taking a neighborhood handyman into custody a week ago on another charge.
The benefactor claims to be paying for Stanton's fees offering a $100,000 reward for information leading to the return of baby Lisa or towards a conviction of those involved in her disappearance.