Back to the Bible CEO Stands by Decision to Fire Show Host John Munro Despite Megachurch Finding No Support for Allegation

Back to the Bible, the global radio and web ministry that recently fired show host Dr. John Munro for alleged "inappropriate conduct and behavior" as a result of an unspecified complaint, is standing by its decision to terminate its relationship with Munro, who is pastor of the largest church in Charlotte, despite the church recently declaring the pastor innocent of the allegation after an investigation.
"During this disruptive and upsetting course of events, Back to the Bible has not intruded on Calvary Church's relationship with Dr. Munro, nor has it shared any findings from its investigation with anyone outside its own leadership," Back to the Bible CEO Dr. Arnie Cole said in a statement emailed to The Christian Post.
"The church's business is separate and apart from Back to the Bible's. Its decisions do not impact those of Back to the Bible. All decisions made by the Calvary Church governing body were and are made independently and not in conjunction, coordination or cooperation with Back to the Bible, and without the materials collected in the Back to the Bible investigation," Cole explained.
Munro is the senior pastor of Calvary Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, and returns to the church this coming Sunday, weeks after he was placed on paid leave for alleged violation of the employee handbook, a complaint that a third-party investigation did not find support for.
"I wanted to let you know that after extensive analysis in the investigation report, multiple session meetings and extensive prayer, the session determined that the specific handbook violation alleged was not supported," church elder Bill Bailey announced Sunday, according to Charlotte Observer.
The elder, however, added that the third-party investigation revealed that Pastor Munro used judgment that was not in accordance with the high expectations to which church leaders are held.
Munro was also in the 4000-member church this past Sunday, and addressed the congregation, who gave him a standing ovation. The pastor thanked the church members and admitted he committed "an innocent error of judgment that while was neither unlawful nor sinful, failed to demonstrate the judgment the church expects of me."
"I thank God for my godly wife who stood with me," Munro said. "We will testify that this ordeal has deepened our faith in Christ. We're not bitter against God, we're not bitter against people. ... Our love for each other as husband and wife has been deepened."
Munro will officially return as senior pastor Sept. 15, but will begin preaching only on Sept. 21 due to his pre-planned travel schedule.
In a previous email obtained by CP, Cole relayed the decision regarding Munro to the ministry's affiliates and supporters and called it "a very difficult situation" without detailing the specific nature of the "misconduct."
"I wanted to personally share with you a very difficult situation," Cole began the email message. "Back to the Bible has terminated its relationship with Dr. John Munro due to inappropriate conduct and behavior that is detrimental to Back to the Bible's mission of leading people closer to Jesus on a daily basis."
Cole's full statement given to The Christian Post on Wednesday is below:
Back to the Bible continues to be asked for reasons for Dr. Munro's departure from its ministry. In some cases, it is being accused of being unfair to Dr. Munro. Misinformation and rumors are circulating that are harmful to Back to the Bible. Supporters and partners in Back to the Bible's ministry deserve to be assured that it has prayerfully followed Biblical as well as legal principles in the handling of recent events. Prudence and a decent regard for the opinions of those who share and support Back to the Bible's mission and beliefs require that it explain what has happened and how things are now, while at the same time respecting the privacy and other interests of the people involved.
In mid-August of this year, Back to the Bible received from one of its employees a serious complaint about Dr. Munro. Back to the Bible immediately consulted with its lawyers and commenced an investigation under their direction and control. During the investigation Back to the Bible interviewed witnesses, including John Munro, his accuser, and people from Calvary Church, where Dr. Munro is pastor. The Munro and complainant interviews were recorded with their permission. Given the materials, circumstances and facts gathered during that investigation, it was determined by Back to the Bible leadership that the best course of action for everyone involved would be to find a suitable Bible teacher to replace Dr. Munro. Accordingly, Dr. Munro's contract with Back to the Bible was ended and a search commenced for a new teacher.
Back to the Bible's investigation and findings pertain to personnel/employee matters which it must maintain in confidence unless the persons involved consent to release. Aside from announcing Dr. Munro's departure, Back to the Bible has not released to Calvary Church or anyone else the information it gathered during its investigation, and Dr. Munro has not consented to its release. Without the necessary consents, Back to the Bible must and will maintain in strict confidence the information it gathered during its investigation. Back to the Bible does not know what information others may have about the complaint, if any, or what sources it may have come from.
During this disruptive and upsetting course of events, Back to the Bible has not intruded on Calvary Church's relationship with Dr. Munro, nor has it shared any findings from its investigation with anyone outside its own leadership. The church's business is separate and apart from Back to the Bible's. Its decisions do not impact those of Back to the Bible. All decisions made by the Calvary Church governing body were and are made independently and not in conjunction, coordination or cooperation with Back to the Bible, and without the materials collected in the Back to the Bible investigation. Back to the Bible has taken care to keep its attention on the matters that pertain to its relationship with Dr. Munro, and away from church affairs.
Arnie Cole
CEO Back to the Bible