'Beauty and the Beast' Gay Moment Is Ostracizing 95 Percent of Faith Driven Consumers, Group Says

The much debated "gay moment" in the upcoming "Beauty and the Beast" live-action Disney film is pushing away 95 percent of 41 million consumers, according to Faith Driven Consumers.
Faith Driven Consumers has said that nearly all of the demographic is "now less likely to spend money with Disney in light of the 'gay moment,'" on top of "Disney's long-standing pattern," Deadline reported on Tuesday.
FDC reports that 58 percent of those it surveyed believe the "primary motivation" behind the promised "gay moment" in the movie is for Hollywood to attempt to "normalize homosexuality."
"Disney's decision to celebrate LGBT individuals ... in 'Beauty and the Beast' is a testament to the LGBT community's success in advocating for and achieving high-profile recognition of their worldview," argued FDC founder Chris Stone.
The group, which has analyzed Christian responses to different Hollywood trends, said that such views do not come from "homophobia or bigotry," but that "there are many complex realities in the world that Faith Driven Consumers simply do not wish to have addressed with their children via entertainment, especially in a family movie."
"Beauty and the Beast — previously an acceptable family film — is now being used, as its director proudly revealed, to promote a message that is in conflict with deeply held tenets of Faith Driven Consumers' religious beliefs," the group added.
Notable evangelicals, such as Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan's Purse, have said that some filmmakers are "trying to push the LGBT agenda into the hearts and minds of your children."
"Disney has the right to make their cartoons, it's a free country," Graham has said. "But as Christians we also have the right not to support their company. I hope Christians everywhere will say no to Disney."
Denny Burk, professor of Biblical Studies at Boyce College, the undergraduate school of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, added that he will not be allowing his children to watch the movie.
"The reason is very simple," Burk explained. "I am not going to let a movie studio communicate to my children that sexual immorality is 'normal and natural.'"
Others, however, such as Elliott Gladwin, one of the co-creators of Your Other Brothers — a creative writing project and podcast for Christian men who battle unwanted same-sex attractions, suggested that calls for a Christian boycott might be hypocritical, however.
"If you are this appalled and disgusted by a fictional character who may suggest a same-sex affinity, then how do you think real life people who struggle with same-sex attraction think you perceive them?" Gladwin said in an interview with The Christian Post last week.
"When asked 'Is homosexuality the worst sin?' most Christians will respond with 'Oh no, of course not, sin is sin,'" he added. "But by the response to this movie in both word and action, the Christian boycotters are saying loud and clear that homosexuality is the greatest of all sins — greater even than witchcraft and the occult."