Benham Brothers Rally Christians in America to Stand Up, Thrive in Midst of Adversity

David and Jason Benham, the twin brothers who were fired from an HGTV reality show because of their opposition to gay marriage, said conservative Christians are being targeted in America for their beliefs and need to stand up and thrive in the midst of adversary.
"We see Christians in America and conservatives kind of running because there is a narrative that's now been developed in this country that really targets people of faith. And people of faith often times want to be silent. And now is not the time to be silent. When darkness rises, it's time to turn the light on," the brothers said in an interview with Fox News' "Fox & Friends" on Tuesday.
The brothers promoted their newly released book, Living Among Lions: How to Thrive like Daniel in Today's Babylon, which looks to the biblical example of Daniel for inspiration on how Christians should thrive in the modern world.
The brothers said they wrote the book "to encourage Christians to stand up and to be strong."
They added: "We have Jesus Christ inside of us, we have the light of the world."
As for how to handle facing challenges, the brothers explained: "You know, the same hurricane wind that causes the common bird to go low, causes the eagle to fly high. And we're saying that if you have the spirit of Jesus inside of you, this wind of culture that is trying to blow to extinguish our light as Christians, it's time that we actually thrive in the midst of it."
The Benham brothers have stood up for a number of conservative issues, and back in May slammed President Obama's transgender bathroom directive to public schools demanding they allow boys to go into girls bathrooms and locker rooms if they identify as female.
Jason warned at the time that the directive will open up "a loophole for deviant men to go in and prey upon our women and girls."
"The enemy wants nothing more but to destroy not only marriage, but he wants to destroy the family, he wants to destroy you individually, he wants total and utter destruction, and that's what we're seeing taking place right now," he added.
Obama subsequently claimed that his Christian faith was a driving force behind his directive to public schools.
"My reading of scripture tells me that that [the] Golden Rule is pretty high up there in terms of my Christian belief," he said during a speech at a town hall in Elkhart, Indiana.
"What happened and what continues to happen is you have transgender kids in schools and they get bullied and they get ostracized and it's tough for them," the president added.
"I have profound respect for everybody's religious beliefs on this, but if you're at a public school, the question is, how do we just make sure that, children are treated with kindness."