'Why Bother, It's the End Times!'
I hear it all the time, and as quickly as I hear it, I reject it.
It is a paralyzing, destructive mentality, and it is unbiblical, plain and simple.
I'm talking about the mindset that says, "Jesus told us everything will get worse, so why bother trying to bring about change?"
Can you imagine what Church history would like if Paul and Peter felt that way in the first century or if Wesley and Wilberforce felt that way in the 18th and 19th centuries?
Why fight against infanticide in the early Church? Jesus said things will only get worse.
Why fight against slavery in Great Britain and America? Jesus said things will only get worse.
Why fight against apartheid in South Africa? Jesus said things will only get worse.
Why even oppose the Nazis? Jesus said things will only get worse.
Do you see how paralyzing this mentality can be?
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/christians-reject-dangerous-end-times-mentality-158790/#q5g5i4kyWOyS2IJH.99