Bill Nye vs Ken Ham Debate Live Stream Free: Watch Evolution vs Creation Debate Online Here (VIDEO, Start Time)
The Bill Nye vs Ken Ham debate on creation and evolution will take place on Tuesday night with around a million people expected to watch live. Both Ham and Nye will be interviewed by CNN's Piers Morgan following the debate, which most expect to be heated and insightful. The Evolution vs Creation debate will start at 7 p.m. ET and can be watched online through free live stream right here in The Christian Post via the video player below.

The debate tonight will be focused on answering the question, "Is creation a viable model of origins in today's modern scientific era?"
Bill Nye "The Science Guy" and Ken Ham, who is the "Answers in Genesis" CEO, will meet at the Creation Museum's Legacy Hall in Cincinnati for the face off.
The debate will be moderated by CNN correspondent Tom Foreman, and more than 70 credentialed media will be in attendance, including ABC, NBC, Al-Jazeera America, The New Yorker among others.
The 900-seater hall for the debate has been sold out for a long time, with tickets being snapped up within just two days of going on sale. In addition to those attending at the venue, more than 10,000 churches schools, colleges, and other groups have told the museum that they will be streaming the debate live.

Nye, an agnostic, will be pushing the argument for evolution. He is a well-known critic of the teaching of creationism in schools, and believes that belief in creation contradicts the process of science.
Meanwhile, Ham will argue against evolution. He has said that many young people are dismissing the Bible because of the theory of evolution. He believes in a literal account of creation as recorded in the Bible book of Genesis.

The Bill Nye vs Ken Ham debate on creation and evolution will start at 7 p.m. ET and can be watched online through free live stream on the video player below: