Billy Graham: Angels Are Real But Figurines, Charm Have No Power

While figurines and charms have no power in our lives, angels should be considered real, the Rev. Billy Graham says.
In a recent blog post for the Kansas City Star, the prominent evangelical leader explained that while many Christians may cling to figurines, such as porcelain angels, for good luck, they in reality have no power to change our lives in any way, and the Bible actually advises against them.
Graham cites Ezekial 13:20, which says: "Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against your magic charms."
The Baptist minister writes that these figurines "are powerless to change anything about [your] life. Good luck charms, religious images, magic symbols, spiritual sayings and incantations — these and every other kind of superstition are powerless to bring us good."
Graham goes on to write that although figurines are powerless, angels should be considered real because they were created by God.
"God created [angels] to be his servants, and unlike us, they are spiritual beings who do not have physical bodies (although at times they can assume human form). Their sole purpose is to carry out God's will, and whenever we meet them in the Bible that's exactly what they are doing," the preacher explains, referencing Hebrews 1:14, which describes angels as "ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation."
Graham adds that the majority of work done by angels goes unnoticed to the untrained human eye, writing that "only when we get to heaven will we realize just how much they did to protect us and work for our good. We aren't to worship them, the Bible says, but we are to take comfort in them and thank God for them."
The 97-year-old Baptist minister wrote in a previous blog post that angels can take on human form while still remaining spiritual.
"On occasion they can appear as ordinary humans, or even as glorious celestial beings that reflect the majesty of God," Graham writes.
The evangelical leader added in his previous blog post that the purpose of angels is to carry out God's will and fight against Satan.
"They also are part of a great unseen army that constantly fights against Satan and his servants of evil," Graham added, pointing to Psalm 91:11 which explains the power of angels as God's helpers: "God's promise should bring comfort to every believer: 'He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.'"
The majority of adult Americans believe in the reality of angels, an Associated Press-GfK poll from 2011 found.
The poll, which sampled 1,000 adults nationally, found that 77 percent of American adults believe angels are real. Of this number, 88 percent of Christians answered affirmatively that they believe in angels, including 95 percent of evangelicals.