Billy Graham: Living for the Moment Can Haunt You for Eternity

Some people act as if they don't care about what might happen to them after they die, living only for the moment. The Rev. Billy Graham warns, however, that this mentality is foolish because Heaven and eternity are real.
In his nationally syndicated column published by the Kansas City Star on Sunday, Graham says eventually these people will "enter eternity and stand before God, and then it will be too late."
Graham references Hebrews 9:27: "People are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment."
The founder of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association explains that some people deliberately turn a blind eye when it comes to thinking about what will happen to their souls, focusing only on what is directly in front of them.
"Many people willfully refuse to think about eternity or what will happen to them when they die. One reason is because they simply want to live for the moment, enjoying its pleasures or wrapped up in their daily cares."
Some people, Graham explains, are simply worried that their lifestyle will have to change if they begin to think seriously about God and eternity and they don't want that.
"They're like the man in one of Jesus' parables who refused to think beyond the pleasures of this life. He said to himself, "Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry," (Luke 12:19).
Graham warns that this mentality is foolish. In fact, "God called that man a fool, because that very night death overtook him, and then it was too late."
The evangelist reminds readers about the reality of life and death. "Death is real, eternity is real, Heaven is real, and so is Jesus Christ."
He encourages Christians to pray for non-believers so that God opens their "spiritual eyes" and convinces them of their need for Christ because He sacrificed His life for them, loves them, and wants them to forever be part of His family.
Rev. Graham also urges Christians to pray that they, too, will "be a witness of Christ's love and hope. ... Often the strongest testimony to Christ's transforming power is the witness of a changed life."