Bishop TD Jakes to Host Talk Show 'Mind, Body & Soul' on BET

Bishop T.D. Jakes of The Potter's House in Dallas, Texas, has been tapped to host a new talk show scheduled to debut in the fall on BET as part of the network's move toward more faith-based programming.
Describing "T.D. Jakes Presents: Mind, Body & Soul" as "better talk," BET Networks promises that the show, airing on Sundays, will cover a wide range of issues such as health and wellness, finance and relationships.
The talk show is tied to BET Gospel programming that includes shows like "Celebration of Gospel," "Sunday Best" and "Bobby Jones Gospel." The network already airs Jakes' ministry program, "The Potter's Touch," which reaches 67 million households every month through various outlets.
BET Senior Vice President of original programming Charlie Jordan Brooks said in September 2012 that the network, which caters to African-American viewers, was "trying to bring [spiritual themes] into the fabric of our programming in general."
The Christian Post reported last year that Jakes had shot a pilot for the new talk show, although The Potter's House pastor previously attempted to develop such a program in 2009 for CBS. The network chose to can the program due to the poor economy.
Jakes, who is also a filmmaker and best-selling author, was presented with a BET Honors award earlier this year for the impact he has made in the field of education. He said during his acceptance speech, "I am grateful to God who allowed me to stumble into that thing that I was created to do.
"My destiny is to help other people reach their destiny. You must remember that real life does not begin in the light but what you do in the dark. Helping you has given me purpose, love, and life."
Jakes, whose Dallas megachurch is home to about 30,000 members, celebrated a series of milestones last year, including his 35th year of ministry. He shared with The Christian Post, who attended a major celebration last year marking his achievements, that his passion remains "empowering the next generation."
A request for comment from The Potter's House and T.D. Jakes Ministries was not answered by press time.