Bombshell Study: Young People Care More About Recycling Than Porn

The Barna Group recently released an extensive study about the attitudes of porn in modern America, especially among young people and churchgoers. They surveyed over 3,000 people and found that, overall, porn has become more accepted and normalized.
The attitudes about porn have shifted so much that now more young people are concerned about the morality of not recycling (56%) than about viewing porn (32%).
Yes. Really. Watch this video.
These new attitudes about porn caught our attention here at XXXchurch, mainly because we've known for years that this kind of shift was happening. The only thing surprising to us about these stats is how bad the shift really has become, and how much it's not a big deal to the next generation.
Still, much of this new study really just verifies what we thought all along.
At porn shows and in our inbox, we talk to people from all walks of life, and over the course of those conversations, we've learned that porn really is something that hits every age and every demographic. Men, women, adults, kids, rich, poor. So many people deal with this, and it's only getting more accepted.
This survey backs us up on this. The numbers show that younger people like teens and adults now have "encouraging" or "accepting" views of pornography.
And it's not just the next generation. Attitudes about porn are shifting among all generations in the church, too.
Of course, we've known that porn has been a problem in the church for a long time, but nobody has been talking about it. We've come up with entire campaigns trying to get churches and pastors to talk about this issue, but too many people didn't want to hear it.
Hopefully this survey will help pastors and church members understand that this is something they need to deal with, because porn isn't going anywhere, and it's not going away anytime soon.
If you're dealing with porn and you want to get a better attitude about it, we have plenty of ways to help you do that. The stats are here and they don't look good, so get out in front of the porn phenomenon, get proactive, and start making better choices for yourself, for your marriage, and for your family.
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