
Brazil's Catholicism, Spiritism

Of Brazil's 170 million, 130 million are Roman Catholics. Or, are they? Many will go to their Catholic Mass on Saturday and their Spiritual meeting on Tuesday. Many have been charismatics and when offered the gospel they will say yes, and will just add to the other things they already have (12/4 Christianity Today).

"Brazil is a Spiritist country, not a Catholic country." There are over 14,000 Spiritist centers in Brazil. Spiritist worship takes two forms: Lower Spiritism that came with African slaves (voodoo, witchcraft, magic, etc.). The other is popular with upper-class folks, and has a New Age kind of emphasis (reincarnation, talking with dead). Catholicism seems compatible with various other false-gospel, syncretistic religions (e.g. Santeria, voodoo).

In the wake of on-going secularization of Christianity in Brazil, it must be known to the media and to the general public the false direction of blurred understandings of ephemeral, fadistic religion versus traditional religion of history that has given Brazil with a national identity for ages.

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