'Breakthrough' movie trailer breaks record with 30 million views in 48 hours

20th Century Fox and Devon Franklin released the first trailer for the upcoming film "Breakthrough" last week and garnered nearly 40 million views in just days.
In just 48 hours the trailer had already reached 30 million views on Facebook. Pastor Samuel Rodriquez, executive producer of the film, took to social media to celebrate its instant success.
“When a movie trailer receives over 30 million views in 48 hours and breaks the record for a film in its genre, three words best capture our collective sentiment: Glory to God!,” he wrote on Instagram.
"Breakthrough" tells the miraculous real-life account of Joyce and John Smith, a mother and son who reveal the power of prayer and the Holy Spirit during one of life's most tragic moments.
"When Joyce Smith's adopted son John falls through an icy Missouri lake, all hope looks lost. Even though John lies lifeless for more than an hour, his mother refuses to lose faith and prays for a miracle. To the astonishment of everyone present, her prayers are answered as John's heart suddenly begins to beat again, defying every expert, every case history, and every scientific prediction. Mere days after the accident, he walks out of the hospital under his own power, completely healed," the movie's synopsis reads.
“[I]t’s not about breaking a record, Rodriguez added. "It’s about changing lives. This movie will literally change lives; prayer, hope, grace, truth, and love coming together make the impossible possible, resulting in one inevitable outcome: BREAKTHROUGH! I am honored to be part of this. Your breakthrough is on the way!”
Franklin also celebrated the movie trailer's success, revealing that the record-breaking trailer received millions of views without the company spending marketing money.
“When you see this post, I want it to be evidence to you that God can and will do the Impossible in your life! This is the biggest trailer launch of a movie in this genre ever!! And we didn’t spend a dime! Please hear me: God will never leave you or forsake you! Please keep believing and keep doing!” Franklin said on Instagram.
One scene in the trailer shows a conversation between Joyce and her son’s doctor where she tells the physician, “Be the best for John, let God do the rest.” The first responder who saved John, played by Mike Colter ("Luke Cage”), is also seen wrestling with his faith because, as he describes it, it was “a voice” that told him where to find John in the ice covered lake after several minutes of searching with no success.
Hillsong’s “Oceans” closes out the trailer, leaving viewers with a sense of hope as the story tells the power of faith.
Actress Chrissy Metz (“This Is Us”) plays the role of Joyce. Marcel Ruiz portrays her son, John, (“One Day at a Time”) who fights for his life in a hospital bed.
Joining Metz in the cast is Topher Grace, who's best known for his role in the comedy series "That '70s Show." He plays Pastor Jason Noble who helps the grieving family through the ordeal. The cast also includes Josh Lucas and hip-hop artist Lecrae.
The Christian Post attended a set visit in Canada earlier this year where they shot "Breakthrough" under the direction of veteran TV director Roxann Dawson ("House of Cards," "Scandal," "The Americans," and "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”). Franklin ("Miracles from Heaven") produced the film and was determined to retell the Smiths' story just as it happened.
The 20th Century Fox movie is based on Joyce Smith's book The Impossible and was adapted for the screen by Grant Nieporte ("Seven Pounds").
Franklin first heard of Smith's story while sitting in the green room at TBN studios. Rodriguez was interviewing Joyce, John, and their Pastor Jason Noble who shared their story. After the show, the Smith's and Noble talked with Franklin in the green room who connected them with a literary agent to help develop the book proposal. Smith's story first made national headlines in 2015, shortly after a bidding war began for the book proposal that was eventually won by Hachette books, and was used as the basis for the film.
After this sentence "The 20th Century Fox movie is based on Joyce Smith's book The Impossible and was adapted for the screen by Grant Nieporte
Smith's story first made national headlines in 2015, shortly after a bidding war began for the book proposal that was eventually won by Hachette books. Franklin was so moved by the story that he connected the family with a literary agent to help develop the book proposal, which was used as the basis for the film.
"Breakthrough" will be released in April 2019.