C.S Lewis of Modern Time to Speak at Tabernacle Attracting Tens of Thousands
Ravi Zacharias is expected to speak on current social and culture issues in relation to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
President of Standing Together Ministries, Greg Johnson has recently announced that Christian scholar Ravi Zacharias, known as “the C.S. Lewis of our time,” will deliver speeches at the Tabernacle on Temple Square in Salt Lake City on Nov. 13-15.
Ravi is expected to speak on current social and culture issues in relation to the teachings of Jesus Christ. So far, the scheduled lectures have attracted as many as 10,000 people, who will listen to Ravi at the Tabernacle.
The event is supported by more than 50 churches and educational institutions nationwide. As many attendants will be “non-Utah” residents,
Robert Miller, Chair of Religious Understanding at Brigham Young University said that this event will unite many believers around the nation through the spirit of Jesus Christ.
Meanwhile, Tobin Dixon of Campus Crusade for Christ at the University of Utah, suggested that the event will attract people of all faiths who have deep desires to learn about truth and moral values.
When asked about the possible outcome of the gathering which brings all kinds of faith believers, Greg Johnson said, "It is possible to have meaningful relationships with people of other faiths."
He added, "We share common moral values and can learn from one another's beliefs and teachings."