Campbell's Board of Ministers and Pastors Recognize 2004 Award Recipients
Buies Creek, NC -- Campbell University’s Board of Ministers and Pastors’ School held a banquet, June 7, Monday, with Campbell President Dr. Jerry M. Wallace, as the keynote speaker who explained the importance of the Board of Ministers and Pastors School to the university, followed by an award ceremony. About 260 pastors and their guests attended the event.
At the banquet a number of notable ministers and professors were awarded for their commitment and service and eleven new Board members in 2004 were elected.
Ronald S. Cava, pastor of First Baptist Church of Clinton, NC, and G. Jeffery Roberts, pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC were named Reavis Scholars for 2004 and James C. Fowler, missions coordinator for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina received the 2004 Distinguished Service Award from the Campbell University Divinity School.
The Reavis Professorship and Scholarship Program, funded by L.B. and Mabel Reavis, supports the work of distinguished scholars in the fields of evangelism and Church Growth to teach in university programs. In addition, the scholarship is awarded to ministers who have excelled in evangelism and church growth for continuing education in those two fields.
“Born on a mission field, Jim C. Fowler discovered early that God had planted in his heart a love for missions,” said Dr. Michael Cogdill, dean of the Campbell Divinity School, who presented the school’s Distinguished Service Award to Fowler.
Three members of the Campbell University Board of Ministers were recognized for their outstanding student recruitment efforts for Campbell. The three awardees are the Reverend Norman Aycock, associate pastor of Brookwood Baptist Church in Jacksonville, NC; the Reverend Mark Morris, pastor of Lillington Baptist Church in Lillington, NC; and the Reverend Calvin “Robbie” Parker, Jr., pastor of Williamston Memorial Baptist Church in Williamston, NC.
“These members were saluted for their many years of faithful service in referring and recruiting students to Campbell University,” said Jerry Wood, Campbell’s assistant vice president for Church and Community Relations. “What a great gift it is to introduce students to an educational environment that teaches them to ‘make a life and not just a living.’”