Can You Say You Are Without Sin?
Have you been able to pull off what no other human being, except One, has ever accomplished? Have you crossed every "t" and dotted every "i" in the realm of your soul? No sinful thoughts or words, ever. Absolute obedience to God's commands. And perfect faith in every situation.

If so, it would be the first time it has ever happened. Are you that one? Are you that perfect? Can you say you are without sin? Saying it and living it are of course two different things. It would be easy to say the words, "I am perfect." But to put it into practice is no small feat.
Think back to your childhood. Were you perfect toward your parents in every situation. What about during your teen years? No sinful diversions as a teenager? And once you moved beyond your teen years, did you ever break any of God's commands?
A sinner is a sinner is a sinner. You may feel "a little better" than some people you know, but God still sees you as a sinner. That is, if you have not been perfect in thought, word and deed. Well, have you?
Sin does not tend to be a very popular topic. It's too convicting. It makes us feel guilty. And who likes to feel guilty, right? So what's the point of even bringing it up?
Well, Scripture is the point. In Scripture, God makes a big point to let us know we are sinners. And He makes an even bigger point in letting us know He loves us nevertheless, and has gone to great lengths to address our sin problem. That's the point. That's why sin must be discussed if a person is going to know God's love and experience His forgiveness. Without sin, there is no need for forgiveness. And the only Person who doesn't need to be forgiven is Christ Himself. He alone is without sin.
"Wait a minute. Time out. Are you telling me Dan that Jesus never sinned even one time?" That is exactly what I am telling you. That is exactly what Scripture makes abundantly clear to us. And that is crucial if Jesus is going to be your Savior. After all, what good is a "Savior" who sins? In that case, He would need a Savior to rescue Him.
In reality, Jesus lived a life of perfection in every respect. Fully human and fully God, while also completely perfect.
Since God is perfect, He can require perfection from man. And when man falls short of that requirement, God calls it "sin." Now God could either punish man for his sin, or God could come up with another way to pay for man's sin. Hence the cross. It's where God paid for your sins and mine. And if you will accept Christ's payment for your sin as you trust Him to forgive you, the Lord will gladly welcome you into His eternal family.
On the other hand, you may choose to go through life without Christ. This of course leads to a person dying without Christ. If a person dies without Christ, he goes before the Judge of his soul without any covering for his sin. And so the person is left to pay for his own sins himself. This is where hell comes into the picture. It was originally prepared for the devil and his angels. (see Matthew 25:41) But then man decided to follow the way of Satan rather the path of perfect obedience. Bad decision.
The good news, however, is that God wants you to come to paradise and spend eternity with Him and all believers. That's why Christ gave His life on the cross. And unless you are perfect, you need the cross of Christ and the forgiveness which only the Savior can give a person. Your sin is your deepest need, whether you realize that fact right now or not.
So there you go. Sin is a terrible disease in your soul. And Christ is your only remedy. Unless of course you are the one person on the planet who doesn't need a Savior. After all, a perfect life is in no need of Christ's perfect death on the cross.
So it comes back to this question: Can you say you are without sin? And do your thoughts and actions prove it?