Carrie Fisher, William Shatner in Star Trek vs. Star Wars Feud (VIDEOS)
William Shatner and Carrie Fisher have a long-standing battle over whether “Star Trek” or “Star Wars” is a better film.

The actors have argued over special affects, costumes, and heroes of each franchise, with Fisher defending 1977 “Star Wars” in which she starred as Princess Leia, and Shatner defends his role as Captain Kirk on the “Star Trek” series which began in 1966.
In September Shatner took the argument to a new level and posted YouTube video stating his case. Shatner stated that “Star Wars” was “derivative” of “Star Trek” and criticized the film’s special effects. The 80-year-old actor added that the actresses on “Star Trek” were “prettier than the girls on ‘Star Wars.’”
In retaliation, Fisher posted a video stating that the films “aren’t in the same league” and challenged Shatner to a “costume-off.”
After Fisher’s video hit the web, Shatner took aim at the 55-year-old actress.
“I don’t know if we’re ready for you in a bikini,” said Shatner to the camera of the actress who has been outspoken about her weight.
“My costume was made of stretch material, so there wouldn’t be any difficulty giving it a little push here and there for me to go into my original wardrobe. But you in a bikini, now, needs a little more than push and pull. It needs a lot of uplift. See ya Carrie,” concluded the actor.
Watch all three videos here.
The links were originally reported by Robert Ebert’s blog. Fisher is expected to retaliate once more by using YouTube in weeks to come.