Cecile Richards Reportedly Resigning From Planned Parenthood Amid Federal Investigation

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards is reportedly planning to resign soon as the nation's largest abortion provider comes under federal investigation.
A story from Buzz Feed News published Wednesday cited unnamed sources which claim that Richards, who has overseen Planned Parenthood since 2006, will step down, possibly by next week.
"Her departure would mark a significant change for the country's most prominent abortion rights group, a set of linked organizations known as the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its political arm, Planned Parenthood Action Fund. Richards was the face and voice of both," reported Buzz Feed.
"During her time as president, Richards greatly expanded the organization's fundraising and organizing capabilities — and helped raise its profile through celebrity-oriented campaigns and increased political participation."
Rumors of Richards' resignation come the month after the Department of Justice announced that they were investigating Planned Parenthood over allegations that they illegally profited from the sale aborted baby body parts.
Fox News reported in December about a letter Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs Stephen Boyd sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee requesting documents from a 2016 congressional investigation.
"The Department of Justice appreciates the offer of assistance in obtaining these materials, and would like to request the committee provide unredacted copies of records contained in the report, in order to further the department's ability to conduct a thorough and comprehensive assessment of that report based on the full range of information available," wrote Boyd.
The federal investigation had its roots in the undercover videos released by the California-based pro-life group, the Center for Medical Progress, which showed among other things Planned Parenthood officials brokering illegal deals for aborted baby body parts.
While as of Thursday, many pro-choice groups have kept mum on the issue, apparently waiting for the resignation to be made official, many pro-life groups have offered their reactions.
Dave Daleiden, head of the CMP, said in a statement released Wednesday that he believed Richards was "the most devoted practitioner of Planned Parenthood's 'out of sight, out of mind' mantra to cover up their barbaric abortion business from the public."
"Richards' departure shows that the old strategy is no longer working as Planned Parenthood faces federal criminal investigation for selling aborted baby hearts, lungs, livers, and brains," stated Daleiden.
"Planned Parenthood's new leadership should commit to full transparency with the Department of Justice and with the public, and to ending this taxpayer-funded criminal abortion enterprise once and for all."
Concerned Women for America President and CEO Penny Nance stated that under Richards' leadership, Planned Parenthood became more focused on abortion than before.
"Planned Parenthood has grown to push one agenda - abortion above all else - while throwing aside any inkling of actual medical care. Cancer screenings and STD testing have all declined under her reign," stated Nance.
"Under Cecile's leadership, Planned Parenthood has been exposed for refusing to report statutory rape and abuse, for aiding sex traffickers, for taking money to abort black babies, and for illegally profiting off of the body parts they have aborted."
Lila Rose, president and founder of Live Action, posted a message on Twitter calling upon her fellow pro-life activists to "pray for her conversion & those who work with her."