Children of Abraham
If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. (Galatians 3:29 NIV)
Whether Jew or Gentile, we were made originally in Godís image, and the revelation of God by His Spirit is a necessity. An understanding of the Word of God must come from the same Spirit who provided its inspiration.
The letter to the Hebrews was written to confirm the early Jewish Christians in their faith in Jesus, the Messiah-Savior. The writer takes a recurring theme that Jesus Christ is better because He is superior. Jesus Christ is the ultimate Word from God!
This is a reassuring, strengthening message to us in our day. Hebrews lets us know that while our Christian faith surely was foreshadowed in and grew out of Judaism, it was not and is not dependent on Judaism. The words of our Lord Jesus Christ, spoken while He was here on earth, still speak to us with spiritual authority. At one time He reminded His disciples that new wine must never be put in old, unelastic wineskins. The parable was patent: the old religious forms and traditions could never contain the new wine He was introducing.
He was saying that a fixed gulf exists between vital Christianity and the old forms of Judaism. The Judaism of the Old Testament, with its appointed Mosaic order, had indeed mothered Christianity. But just as the child progresses to maturity and independence, so the Christian faith and the Christian evangel were independent of Judaism. Even if Judaism should cease to exist, Christianity as a revelation from God would--and does--stand firmly upon its own solid foundation. It rests upon the same living, speaking God that Judaism rested on.
Thank You, Lord, Your covenant promise to Abraham included me as among the people on earth to be blessed through him. May I have strong and enduring faith in You as did Abraham.
If our trust is in Christ then we are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith. He "believed the LORD and it was credited to him as righteousness" (Gen. 15:6). Those who so believe are children of Abraham, whether Jew or Gentile.
Used with Permission