A Christian Response to White Supremacy
I live in Charlottesville, Virginia. You may have heard of it.
You may have seen my city on the news or on your Twitter feed after several white nationalist and white supremacist groups converged on our downtown park to protest the potential removal of a Robert E. Lee statue. You likely have seen the images of confederate flags and swastikas, protesters and counter-protesters, fist fights and arrests, and videos of carnage. I have watched the evil of white supremacy playing out on my local library steps and hate on a street I've driven hundreds of times. My family is weeping in lament to learn that protesters have wielded clubs and even a car against other human beings, fueled by their ideology.
As a citizen of Charlottesville, I want to publicly state my disgust and condemnation of the rally that occurred to champion white supremacy. Aside from condemnation of their ideology, my husband and I and our church simply will not give them our attention. And we will also not be one-day activists who aren't interested in faithful, gritty work in this community.
Read more at: http://www.christianpost.com/news/when-white-supremacists-come-to-town-195453/