Donations to Georgetown Christian Student Group Are Being Redirected to LGBT Groups

Update: A spokesperson from Georgetown University says all donations to Love Saxa have been deposited into the student group's account.
A spokesperson from Georgetown University told The Christian Post via email:
All gifts to Love Saxa have been identified and deposited to Love Saxa's account. When the university receives a gift designated by donor for a student group with access to benefits, the gifts are allocated with a designated worktag that ensures they reach the intended recipient. Because a fall 2017 gift was the first donation of its kind to Love Saxa, no established path existed. As always in these cases, we corrected the mistakes, have developed a path to ensure that funds are routed properly in the future, and have communicated to the student group and the donors that the gifts have been properly allocated.
Original story:
A Georgetown University student group that faced possible de-recognition last semester for promoting traditional marriage is shocked to learn that some of the donations it had received have either gone missing or been rerouted to groups that advocate for LGBT issues.
Donors of Love Saxa have received receipts worth at least $400 from Georgetown that indicate their money has gone to other groups, according to The College Fix.
"Georgetown officials have misappropriated its donations, either funneling them to different groups or just losing them completely," says a letter by Alliance Defending Freedom, which is representing Love Saxa, sent to Georgetown President John DeGioia. "We insist that you investigate this matter fully, restore the donations to Love Saxa immediately, and hold accountable the individuals responsible for this misconduct."
Love Saxa President Amelia Irvine deposited a $50 check, which was given by a donor, with school officials in November. A month later, the donor received a receipt stating the amount had gone to the school's "LGBTQ Resource Center Reserve."
Another donation, of $100, went to the Saxatones, which has partnered with the Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League, a D.C.-area LGBT organization. And a check, of $250, has yet to show up in the group's account.
Further, Irvine was informed that her group did well at a recent campus fundraiser, but the group "has not received any funds from that event whatsoever," according to ADF.
"Universities cannot punish students simply because of their religious or political views," ADF attorney Travis Barham was quoted as saying. "Donors have the right to know that their money goes to the recipient they intend it to. The university should not be diverting funds from a group simply because it disgarees with that group's mission and purpose."
In October, Jasmin Ouseph, a junior from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and Chad Gasman, a sophomore from Los Angeles, had complained that Love Saxa "excludes and dehumanizes" people in the LGBT community, asking that it be defunded.
However, in November, Georgetown's Student Activities Commission voted 8-to-4 to impose no sanctions on Love Saxa, which exists to promote "healthy relationships and sexual integrity" on campus.
Writing on their Facebook page, Love Saxa had clarified that they "are not interested in promoting hatred of any kind, nor are we interested in the support of individuals who use threats and harassment."
On Love Saxa's "About" page, the student group notes that many Georgetown students "lack a space to discuss their experiences of the harmful effects of a distorted view of human sexuality and the human person."
"Through programs consisting of discussions, lectures, and campaigns, we hope to increase awareness of the benefits of sexual integrity, healthy dating relationships, and the primacy of marriage and family as central pillars of society."