'Christian Voting Guide' Gives Mike Huckabee 'A,' Donald Trump 'F'

The conservative group American Christian Voting Guide has ranked many of the current Republican and Democrat presidential candidates according to their supposed biblical qualifications, and graded former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee an "A," while Donald Trump was given an "F."
The list, put together by Rev. Steven Andrew, pastor of USA Christian Church, claimed that only four of the candidates would be biblically qualified to serve as president.
Ranking the candidates on criteria such as truthfulness, hating covetousness, protecting "God-given rights," fearing God and protecting Christian religious liberty, the guide gave Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, and Rand Paul B-grades, and only Huckabee scored an 'A.'
"It is time to please God; we must repent of voting based on how much money one raises or popularity. Those things can't make the USA great. However, God will restore His blessings for choosing the strongest Christian after His own heart for president. Mike Huckabee is the closest to a King David running. David did God's will for the nation and God blessed Israel greatly," Andrew said.
Trump, Carly Fiorina, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Bernie Sanders, on the other hand, were all given 'F' grades.
For Trump, the current Republican front-runner, the guide claims that he doesn't fear God because he has included transgender participants in his Miss USA beauty pageants; he has said that gay marriage is the law of the land; he has failed to name his favorite Bible verses and ask God for forgiveness, and is "known for covetousness, common belief is Trump serves Mammon (money) not God."
Trump has insisted that he is "a man of faith," even if he doesn't wear it on his sleeve, and back in September met with 40 religious leaders at his Trump Tower in New York City.
Russell Moore, president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, said, however, that Trump mostly met with preachers that mainstream Evangelical would consider heretics.
The latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll from Oct 15-18 found that Trump continues to be the favorite among Republican voters, and currently leads the pack of candidates with 25 percent support. His closest rival, Carson, is at 22 percent; while Huckabee finds himself near the bottom of the table, with only 3 percent support.