
Woman who says Christ freed her from demons of rejection warns believers about oppression

Elizabeth Fondong
Elizabeth Fondong | Screengrab: YouTube/Delafé Testimonies

A Christian woman who claims to have experienced demonic oppression is warning believers to be wary of the devil’s plan to torment them through demons.  

Elizabeth Fondong recounted her experience in a recent Delafé Testimonies episode about how she struggled with demonic oppression for nearly two decades even though she was a professing follower of Jesus. 

Fondong recalled being tormented by the demons of rejection, timidity and fear and avoided sharing the Gospel with friends because she feared rejection. 

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“Oppression is anything that goes against your will. I wanted to be expressive. I wanted to love people. I actually would write letters to my friends," Fondong said, explaining, "I was not able to give those letters.

"Five years later, I would find those letters there. I just could not [give them to friends] because I was just afraid they would reject me. I thought they would not receive the love."

Stressing that she "wanted to share the Gospel with my friends," Fondong compared the fear that she had to "a log on top of you" and "a heavy weight that doesn't let you be yourself.”

Fondong, who was raised in a Christian home and became a believer as a child, said she felt like her true self — which was an outgoing, bubbly and loving woman — was being held hostage through demonic oppression starting in early childhood. 

“Inside of me, there was a really great Elizabeth. There was a loving Elizabeth. But outside, I was sad, timid, withdrawn, unloving, unpleasant and just really, the wall was around me,” Fondong said. 

“Every time, people would be like, they are scared of talking to me. And yet, inside of me, I wanted to talk to them. So really, that oppression is that thing that separates you from who you truly are.” 

Fondong said she continued to struggle with demonic oppression while she attended medical school and later married a Christian man who she described as "extraordinary" and someone who showered her "with amazing compliments."

“But I kept feeling not good enough with all the love. Now, I was not deficient in love in any way. And yet, I wasn't feeling good enough,” she said.

In 2009, as she struggled with insecurities stemming from demonic oppression, Fondong said her husband started to talk to her about demonic oppression and they began reading a book on the subject. 

“I didn't really think I really had a demonic stronghold at that time. But reading the book, I actually saw that through the spirit of rejection, and fear, I was actually oppressed by demonic spirits. So, it was at that time in 2009 that I sought deliverance,” Fondong recounted. 

Fondong said she was seeking two things. The first was "freedom from fear" since she felt “it was separating me from truly serving God." The other was she felt the oppression “affecting my marriage."

"My husband was pouring out love on me, but I wasn't receiving that love. I wasn't receiving the compliments. I wasn't blossoming in those compliments. And then I was not open to correction," she added. "It was making our marriage really stressful.” 

One evening in 2009, Fondong said she had her first deliverance experience. That night, she felt led to start praying for herself and all of this "stuff started coming out of my mouth."

"My husband came and started praying for me. He started commanding the demons to come out. Demons of fear, demons of rejection, demons of timidity, and I was screaming,” Fondong recalled.  

“When stuff was coming out, I was really shocked because I really thought that maybe these things are just in my mind, but they actually affected my body as well. And the spirits came out."

According to Fondong, it would take "a couple of sessions of deliverance" because it was "like peeling an onion, more and more stuff gets shown."

For the first time following her deliverance, Fondong looked at herself in the mirror and said, “God, you did an amazing job. I truly look beautiful.”  

“It was the first time — and I was already in my 20s — that I could actually appreciate the goodness of God. Because all along, I kept feeling like, ‘I wish I was this. I wish I was that. God, if you could just change this and if you could just change that.’ For the first time, I could say, ‘God, you did an amazing job. I love what you do,’” she recalled. 

After being delivered, Fondong and her husband started their own missionary ministry where they now do deliverance sessions to help free others from demonic oppression. 

Fondong said she and her husband teach others that the first step every Christian should take when they realize they are being oppressed by demons is admitting aloud that the issues are coming from the devil. 

“The spirit of rejection is of the devil. That's one thing that we first have to identify. Because sometimes, we get so used to bondage that we don't even seek to be set free. But it is of the devil,” Fondong stressed. 

“The Bible says, 'I did not give you a spirit of fear, [but rather] a spirit of love, of power and [self-control].’ I always say, if you're not working in love, receiving love and giving out love, if you know your mind is oppressed by indecision, by not loving yourself — that is of the enemy and you should hate it."

Fondong warned that "what you accept, you will never be set free from" and that the "first thing to do is to hate the dysfunction that you're in and then seek to be set free knowing that Jesus Christ came to set the captives free.”

Nicole Alcindor is a reporter for The Christian Post. 

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