OC, LA Christians Stage Stunning 'Nativity Flash Mob' at Mall in Santa Monica in Response to Atheist Activists Blast Against Christmas
Last Christmas season (2012) a fellowship of Christians from Orange County, Calif. partnered with believers in Santa Monica to deliver a Nativity flash mob gift to the popular Los Angeles County tourist destination. Watch soprano Lynette Tapia stun shoppers with her beautiful voice opening up the flash mob.
As a wonderful and heartfelt reminder of the purpose of Christmas, this was performed at the Santa Monica Place mall on December 16th, 2012.
The group decided it was time to encourage others, to let them know that celebrating Christmas with outward expressions of faith in the public square was OK. It did not matter that the city of Santa Monica decided that holding its 60-year tradition of Nativity scene displays at Palisades Park had become a hassle because of protesting atheists. It was not of major concern that the city cancelled the displays or that the Santa Monica Nativity Scenes Committee had to find private land to keep its tradition alive.
The Christians decided to NOT get angry and instead they decided to do what matters most.
What matters is that the Christmas story needs to be told – it's part of the Great Commission for Christians. And this time of year, Christians should be able to celebrate freely, carry on the message, and not be hiding for fear of offending someone.
LINK TO VIDEO: http://youtu.be/qhbTsGLL5