Ciara Calls Celibacy With Russell Wilson a 'Cool and Healthy' Thing: 'There Are So Many People Like Us'

After Christian Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson publicly revealed that God told him to lead singer Ciara Harris in a vow of abstinence, she says she has no issues being so public about a personal matter because it has sparked a healthy public dialogue.
"I run into different people and they'll talk to me about their journey and their relationships, so I think that's been really cool and it's a healthy thing," Ciara told E! News on Thursday. "It's a healthy conversation we all get to have as adults. I'm not sweating it at all."
The world learned about the couple's decision to wait until marriage before engaging in sexual intercourse when Wilson, 26, shed light on his revelation on the matter while speaking to Pastor Miles McPherson and his congregation, The Rock Church, back in July.
"I asked her 'What would you do if we took all that other stuff off the table and did it Jesus' way, no sex? ... I knew God had brought me into her life to bless her and for her to bless me, and to bless so many people with the impact that she has and I have," Wilson told McPherson. "We're not going to be perfect, by any means. But He's anointed both of us and He's calling for us to do something special."
Although the entertainers are in the public eye with their relationship, the 29-year-old singer said other people can relate to their spiritually-led decision to wait until marriage before engaging in sexual activity.
"You know, when Russell talked about it, he was being honest. For what it's worth, I think there are so many people like us," Ciara told E!. "We get to share real things. We're real people."
Even though Wilson did not consult Ciara before publicly announcing their personal decision to take a vow of celibacy, she took no issues with what he believed was the right time and place to share his testimony.
"It was an organic thing for him and I think he was just being honest about where we are," Ciara previously told "Access Hollywood Live."
Still, she admitted that honoring her vow of celibacy "until the deal is sealed" was anything but easy.
"I think both of us look at each other and we're like — whooo! But we take it one day at a time and keep it going with each other and I'm really enjoying every day that we're sharing," she told Access Hollywood.
The singer calls Wilson her best friend and explained that the pair are continuing to further that relationship.
"He's the best guy in the world for me," Ciara told E!. "He's my best friend and I just put positive things in the universe. We want to continue having the best relationship and friendship we could have."
As a feature story in Rolling Stone magazine's September issue, Wilson spoke about his bond with Ciara feeling right.
"We connect so well, and we have the same vision," he said before being asked about fitting into her hip-hop music world. "... It's a perfect fit, you know? Is it weird? No. It feels right."
The singer agreed with him in the publication.
"We share similar views on pretty much everything," Ciara told Rolling Stone. "It's just superorganic."