Cocaine Found on Most Changing Tables
A new research has discovered that 92 percent of baby changing tables contain trace amounts of cocaine.
The study, performed by a team of Real Radio journalists from a local station in North West England, was conducted in shopping centers, hospitals, police stations, courts, churches, supermarkets and department stores.
The team used specialist wipes to test different facilities across the United Kingdom, which was named the cocaine capital in November according to Real Radio. Wipes tested on 100 different changing tables, were then sent to lab to be tested for cocaine.
Changing tables aren’t the only surfaces where traces of cocaine have been found in public, the most popular surface possibly being money. Cocaine is also not the only reason parents are encouraged to used changing pads.
ABC News did a separate study that found as many as 100 bacteria colonies on some diaper changing tables. Two of the tables tested positive for fecal matter.
The number of bacteria colonies in a hospital and a coffee shop ranked among some of the highest. Although it was not deciphered which bacteria were harmful, certain bacteria can cause serious illness.
In response to such reports, some public bathrooms have begun to offer disposable changing pads, wipes, and sanitizer at stations.