Christian QB Colin Kaepernick Slams Trump: 'Racism and Discrimination Isn't OK'

Christian San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick joined the growing list of athletes condemning Republican presidential candidate and billionaire Donald Trump for his anti-Muslim rhetoric.
As Trump has called for restrictions to be placed on Muslims entering the United States and called for a national Muslim database, the real estate Mogul has received a plethora of criticism from people on both sides of the political aisle and prominent athletes, such as legendary boxer Muhammad Ali and basketball hall of famers Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Charles Barkley.
Kaepernick, who is on the injured reserve for the rest of the football season with a shoulder injury, posted a series of memes challenging Trump and others who believe that restrictions on Muslim immigration is appropriate following the recent deadly terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, California and Paris.
The 28-year-old posted one photo meme that consisted of three photographs. One photo shows a "No Colored Allowed" sign with the caption underneath that says, "America in 1925."
The second photo shows a sign that says "Japs Keep Moving - This is A White Man's Neighborhood" with the caption underneath that says, "America in 1942."
The third photo shows a sign posted on a door that states "Muslim Free Zone," and a caption for that reads, "America 2015."
"Racism and discrimination isn't OK," Kaepernick wrote with the post. "We are all human beings! Things need to change."
Later on Friday, Kaepernick posted another meme that lists various statistics about various ways that people are more likely to die than being killed by an Islamic terrorist.
According to the post, people are 35,079 times more likely to die from a heart attack than they are from a terrorist attack, while people are 33,842 times more likely to die from cancer than a terrorist attack.
The list adds that people are 1,064 times more likely to die by from their lungs swelling up as a result of food or beverage going down the wrong pipe than they are to be killed in a terrorist attack.
"These are facts," Kaepernick asserted. "What are you really scared of?"
Kaepernick then turned his attention to the purported hypocrisy of some Christians calling for the U.S. to keep Syrian refugees out of the country. He posted another photo meme featuring a nativity scene.
"That play all the churches put on every Christmas?" the meme asks. "It's about a Middle Eastern couple seeking refuge and shelter. Merry Christmas!"
"Will you discriminate against the same people you are about to celebrate?" Kaepernick wrote. "The same race of the man you call savior? Happy holidays."
Lastly, Kaepernick posted a quote from Air Force Col. Tom Moe, who paraphrased a famous quote from anti-Nazi Pastor Martin Niemӧller, to further bash Trump's rhetoric.
"You might not care if Donald Trump says Muslims must register with the government, because you're not one. And you might not care if Donald Trump says he's going to round up all the Hispanic immigrants, because you are not one. And you might not care if Donald Trump says its OK to rough up black protesters because you are not one," the post states. "If he keeps going and he actually becomes president, he might just get around to you, and you better hope that there's someone left to help you."