Colton Dixon warns of distractions preventing time with God, taking focus off everyday miracles

HOLLYWOOD — Christian singer Colton Dixon attended the 28th annual Movieguide Awards where he talked to The Christian Post about the inspiration behind his new single, “Miracles.”
Dixon released his first single “Miracles” on Jan. 24 after nearly three years. The new track was co-written with Michael Jade and the late Busbee, and is Dixon’s Atlantic Record's debut. The “American Idol” alum opened up about his heart behind the single while walking the red carpet of the popular award show, which honors faith and family content.
"I think we think of miracles as these huge life altering events, right?” Dixon told CP last month. “Whereas I think that's true, I think sometimes we forget to look at the little things in life as miracles.”
“The fact that we woke up today is a huge miracle in and of itself,” he added. “So it's about stepping back, taking the opportunity to see the forest through the trees, and go, ‘God, you were in my life and orchestrating all these things all along the way and I'm just now realizing it, but thank you so much.’"
The 28 year old said he believes this generation should take time away from all of our devices and spend time being reflective and still.
"I'm not perfect at it, but we've realized that the phone can be a great thing but man, it can be a negative too,” Dixon said of the discovery he and his wife, Annie, made.
“It says in God's word that He leads me beside the still waters. I think we picture that and are like, ‘Oh, that's so beautiful that's so serene,’ but they're still and it's peaceful. Do we take the time to get away from everything?” he inquired.
The musician said taking time away with God to help realize the everyday miracles in life doesn't have to be something elaborate.
“It doesn't have to be this crazy retreat or whatever, it can be getting away in your bedroom, turning your phone off and just taking a moment to breathe. I think that's so important,” Dixon maintained. “I think God wants to speak to us, but He's a gentleman so He doesn't raise His voice over all the other things that are going on in our lives.”
“I just think it's really important just to chill out for a second, to take a step back and raise your head above the water,” he concluded.
Dixon was in attendance at the Movieguide Awards as a performer, the award show will broadcast on the Hallmark Channel on Feb. 24.