
Comedian battling drug addiction credits rehab, prayer for helping him reach 18 days sober

Comedian Artie Lange posing outside of his show, Nov 21, 2018.
Comedian Artie Lange posing outside of his show, Nov 21, 2018. | Twitter/Artie Lange

Comedian Artie Lange has struggled with substance abuse for decades and recently revealed that prayer has been helping him as he's now been sober for more than 18 days.

Lange took a break from rehab this week to perform a show before heading back to a rehab center on Thanksgiving Day. He admitted that he’s been “fighting hard.”

“Guess who’s clean?!! Been clean 18 days!  The rehab I’m at let me use my phone to check things. I still have more time here but I’m doing great. I’m humble. Not bragging. Just feel well. Tons of work ahead. Sunrise detox in Sterling, N.J., helped save my life!!! They’re great!!” Lange tweeted on Wednesday.

The longtime Howard Stern sidekick went on to reveal in a series of tweets how praying to God has been a part of his recovery.

“I’m at The Retreat by Lancaster PA. This place is a Godsend! They’re not payin me. No free stay. They do it right. I’m so grateful to them. The nurses are Angels. I’m not saying I will never relapse. I pray every day!! Just happy to be alive. I ain’t checkin out yet! I love u all!” he continued.

“God. Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference,” he added.

According to, Lange is facing possible jail time for a prior drug charge where he allegedly violated the terms of his probation on multiple occasions by testing positive for drugs.

The vulgar comic pleaded guilty in 2017 after getting caught by police with 81 decks of heroin. He was sentenced to four years of probation and ordered to enroll in outpatient rehab but it wasn’t enough to keep him sober.

Earlier this month, Lange announced that he was checking himself into an inpatient rehab program.

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In his memoir, Wanna Bet? A Degenerate Gambler's Guide to Living on the Edge, Lange gave some insight into his troubling past. He admitted attempting suicide in 2010.

After the comedy gig on Wednesday, the comedian said that he'd be back in action by the end of the month.

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